My No Cardio Workout Routine

My No Cardio Workout Routine


“This is the easiest, lowest stress, quickest, most effective, best-for-your-hormones, NO cardio workout routine you’ll ever do (did I mention NO cardio?) After years and years of trying all types of exercises (chronic cardio, early morning bootcamps, fitness DVD’s, tons of HIIT, spending hours in the gym, and more), I finally realized that none of those things were giving me the physical OR mental results that I was looking for. In fact, they were all doing the opposite - I was always tired, hungry, injured, had hormonal imbalances, never saw any positive physical results, and spent way too much time on exercise. So, I put my personal training certification to good use and decided to put together this workout routine and since following this my entire body has changed, as well as my mental connection to exercise. Spoiler: I only “workout” three days per week. I hope this routine helps you change both your mind and body when it comes to exercise, just like it has for me :)

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